The Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL) 2022 conference:
Strengthening evidence use during the pandemic and beyond
Tuesday 22 – Friday 25 March
Register here:
Speaker biography: Dr Patrick Okwen (MD)
Dr Patrick Okwen (MD), Team Lead at eBASE Africa
Patrick is the Team Lead at eBASE Africa, an organization that seeks to improve livelihoods through innovation and best practices based in Cameroon. He has a keen interest and vast experience in using innovative approaches to increase use of evidence by policymakers, practitioners, and citizens in the Lake Chad Basin countries and beyond. He is currently working on a project called the “We Attain Project”, funded by the Education Endowment Foundation and the CEDIL Programme to promote EIDM and support use of research evidence for Middle Africa, focusing on 30 educational interventions including Menstrual Hygiene Management in schools, Cash Transfers, Performance Based Financing, and corporal punishment. As part of the We Attain project he coordinates an evidence portal for education stakeholders currently being rolled out in Middle Africa, through different interventions the eBASE Teaching and Learning Toolkit seeks to improve not only quality of education but also promotes access and retention, school management and governance, and school security and safety. Patrick is engaging policymakers, practitioners, and citizens in Middle Africa using innovative approaches including storytelling, a culturally relevant approach to communicating scientific information.