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Innovations in Impact Evaluation: What Have We Learned?
The Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL) 2023 conference
Tuesday 21 – Friday 24 February 2023
Online event, free
What have we learned about applying innovative methods to examine complex, development-related questions? Join us for the final CEDIL conference between 21 and 24 February 2023 to unpack this question and reflect with researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers.
Over the course of four sessions on consecutive days, panel discussions and presentations will consider the future of impact evaluation and the lessons we have learned on using a range of methods to understand the complex pathways to impact, including in humanitarian contexts. On the final day, we will have a special session that will synthesise the key themes of the programme into an interactive session that will consider how CEDIL’s work can be taken forward.
Confirmed speakers include: Annie Duflo, Executive Director, Innovations for Poverty Action; Arianna Legovini, Director of the Development Impact Evaluation, World Bank; Gonzalo Hernandez, Senior Research Fellow, 3ie; Jeannie Annan, Chief Research and Innovation Officer, International Rescue Committee; Sian Rasdale, Chief Statistician, FCDO; Nazmun Ratna, Lincoln University; Claudia Ringler, IFPRI; and Alan de Brauw, IFPRI.
As with our last conference, the 2023 conference will be held online and will be free to attend. Drawing on lessons from online events over the past three years and to be inclusive of multiple time zones, there will be one conference session per day for four days.
Sessions will take place at 12:00 midday GMT/ 07:00 EST/ 15:00 EAT/ 17:00 PKT/ 17:30 IST
Women attend a community meeting in the Ngam refugee camp, Cameroon. Credit UN Women/Ryan Brown
Conference Programme
- Tuesday 21 February – The future of impact evaluation: methods, ethics, and ownership – Opening Plenary Session, 12.00 – 13.30 (GMT) (1hr 30mins)
Impact evaluations are embracing a broader range of methods to answer questions not readily answered by randomised controlled trials (RCTs). This panel session will reflect on CEDIL’s work and that of others in developing innovative methods to examine the impact of interventions. Panellists will explore issues such as what has worked or not worked with impact evaluations; methods that complement or extend the relevance or usefulness of RCTs; how relevant and useful impact evaluation findings have been to decision-makers; and what is needed to move the field forward in the next 10years.
- Wednesday 22 February – Making innovative methods matter, 12.00 – 13.15 (GMT) (1hr 15mins)
This session will focus on the innovative methods that the panellists have used for evaluations, including their work on CEDIL. Each presenter will give a quick overview of the innovations in their work and address broader questions around innovative methods being used in impact evaluation, the insight that these approaches can provide and how to promote their uptake.
- Thursday 23 February – Evaluations in humanitarian contexts: developing innovative and collaborative strategies, 12.00 – 13.15 (GMT) (1hr 15mins)
The world continues to grapple with the effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic, with additional pressures coming from the war in Ukraine, and many other conflicts and natural disasters. This session will present the work that CEDIL has supported in evaluating and synthesising the evidence on humanitarian interventions. Speakers present their work and share key insights and reflections, which will be followed by a moderated panel discussion.
- Friday 24 February – What have we learned about supporting the use of innovative methods to generate evidence?, 12.00 – 13.30 (GMT) (1hr 30mins)
This session will provide an opportunity to share the important learning from the CEDIL programme and reflect on the advances made in addressing the gaps identified in evaluation and evidence synthesis. The session will highlight key insights from CEDIL programmes of work looking at evaluating complex interventions, enhancing evidence transferability and increasing evidence use. Speakers will reflect on the emerging themes in the sector, as well as look ahead to share their perspectives on what a future research agenda may look like.