Country-specific evidence and gap maps

Programme of work

Increasing evidence use

Principal investigator(s)

Howard White

Host institution

Campbell Collaboration

Project type

Evidence and gap map


Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan and Uganda

Research question

The research team will produce four country-specific evidence and gap maps (C-EGMs), which will include all the evaluations of interventions carried out within a specific time period. The four C-EGMs will be built for Kenya, Malawi, Pakistan and Uganda and will be organized by sector of intervention and outcomes.

Research design

A systematic search will be conducted to identify evidence to include in the maps, drawing on evaluation databases and repositories of international agencies. The map will be co-produced with a central government agency and local researchers.

Data source

All evaluations of interventions published within a specific period

Policy relevance

C-EGMs will facilitate the access and use of evidence and enable policymakers and researchers to identify areas which should be prioritised for further research.