Disability evidence portal
Programme of work
Evaluating complex interventions
Principal investigator(s)
Tom Shakespeare
Host institution
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Project type
Evidence portal
Research question
The research team will develop a user-friendly, web-based platform for evidence-informed decision making on disability-inclusive development in low- and middle-income countries. The platform will provide a database of existing impact evaluations and evidence syntheses related to disability and will provide guidance aimed at policymakers.
Research design
The portal will be developed based on CEDIL’s evidence gap map on disability. The process will include extensive consultation with relevant policymakers and programme planners to ensure the portal is relevant to their needs.
Data source
CEDIL’s evidence gap map on disability
Policy relevance
The portal will be a useful and accessible evidence resource for policymakers, funders, programme planners and researchers working on disability projects.