
CEDIL Innovative Methods for Useful Results


The Centre for Excellence in Development Impact and Learning (CEDL) develops and tests innovative methods for evaluation and evidence synthesis.  Established in January 2017 under a 5-year grant from the UK government’s Department for International Development (DfID), CEDIL is administered through the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and hosted at the London International Development Centre (LIDC). CEDIL operates around three key principles:

  1. Establish a high quality, inter-disciplinary academic centre to innovate in the field of impact evaluation and evidence synthesis
  2. Design, commission and implement impact evaluations and evidence synthesis
  3. Promote the uptake and use of evidence from impact evaluations and evidence synthesis


develops and tests innovative methods for evaluation and evidence synthesis
Browse Inception papers


for learning about development impact
Research Priorities


The impact evaluation and evidence synthesis products developed by CEDIL will be tested in Programmes of Work and implemented through the CEDIL Programme Directorate. An iterative feedback process of the experiences of implementing these studies will be captured in a series of lesson learning papers.