Evaluation and Measurement

Evaluation and Measurement

Date: 27 March 2023

Time: 15.00 – 16.15 GMT

Registration: Zoom sign up

This webinar will discuss the finding of the CEDIL funded project, Evaluation and Measurement, led by Orazio Attanasio, and the final paper “Evaluation and Measurement”.

Measurement is crucial to evaluation. Without appropriate measures we cannot assess the effectiveness of policy. In this paper, we address a number of conceptual issues linked to the construction and validation of appropriate measures that are useful for evaluation. In particular, the paper will discuss the following issues: what to measure, how to measure it, how to use existing measures and how to construct new measures.

Project details can be found here: Project Page

Evaluation and Measurement Paper: Click here to find the paper landing page


Orazio Attanasio

Orazio Attanasio

Cowles Professor of Economics, Yale University

Orazio Attanasio is the Cowles Professor of Economics at Yale University, a Research Fellow and one of the Directors of the ESRC Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy at the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

He is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a Senior Fellow at the Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic and Policy Research.

Orazio’s research interests include: household consumption, saving and labour supply behavior; risk sharing; evaluation and design of policies in developing countries; human capital accumulation in developing countries; early years interventions; micro credit; measurement tools in surveys.

He has carried out evaluations of education financing and access programmes, including large conditional cash transfers programs, the impact of scholarships on school enrolment and the effect of subjective expectations on the returns to education.

James Hargreaves

James Hargreaves

Professor, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

James is Professor in Epidemiology and Evaluation with a focus in social epidemiology and public health evaluation. His primary interest in recent years has been in the socioeconomic epidemiology of HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis and in developing interventions to address these public health issues.

Elisa Cavatorta

Elisa Cavatorta

Associate Professor in Political Economy, King's College London

I am an Associate Professor in Political Economy at King’s College London who studies conflict, individual preferences and beliefs, and policy evaluation. I obtained my PhD in Economics from Birkbeck College, University of London and I was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at SOAS, University of London, and at the Institute for Fiscal Studies before joining King’s College London.

My current research has two themes. I study the impact of exposure to political violence on the formation of beliefs, preferences and behaviour towards others, and the design and evaluation of tech-education interventions aimed at fostering the development of social skills. I design and evaluate new measurement tools to quantify and analyse important behavioural inclinations for which we currently do not have good measurement.

My research has been funded by the Emirates Foundation, the Qatar National Research Foundation, King’s ESRC Transformative Research Fellowship, the AXA Research Fund, Global Development Network-Economic Research Forum, King’s College London, SOAS, and Birkbeck College.

Chair: Edoardo Masset

Chair: Edoardo Masset

Associate Professor and Deputy Director of CEDIL, LSHTM

Before joining CEDIL, Edoardo was Deputy Director and head of the London office of the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, which he joined after working for seven years as a Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex. Edoardo is an agricultural and development economist with extensive experience conducting impact evaluations, researching development interventions and consulting for a variety of institutions, including the World Bank.

Edoardo also has experience of research synthesis work through a number of systematic reviews on a wide range of topics such as nutrition, health insurance and cost-effectiveness. His core research interests include rural development, child nutrition, poverty and inequality, and the analysis of household surveys.



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