Co hosted by CEDIL and ICRW Asia
Date: 23 February 2022
A little more than 25 years ago at the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo (1994) the Programme of Action on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights (SRHR) emphasized the importance of male involvement in SRHR.
Since then, there have been a number of interventions, programmes and studies that have included men as partners, addressed male involvement in SRH services including family planning, focused on men’s SRHR needs and worked with men to transform unequal gender power relations and norms by addressing masculinities or male norms.
In this seminar, we seek to present a CEDIL funded systematic review alongside key partners working in the field, the World Health Organization and the International Center for research on Women (ICRW) Asia.
Together we will present our understandings of the state of the evidence on engaging men and boys in family planning in LMICs and especially we present an analysis of the programme characteristics and components that can lead to male engagement and meeting the family planning needs of women and men in LMICS.
Patrick Ward
Patrick Ward is CEDIL Programme Director and has overall responsibility for the delivery of the programme, working closely with the Research Director as a member of the CEDIL Directorate. He oversees the Programme Directorate team in OPM and liaises with DFID, consortium members and other stakeholders. Patrick Ward is Director of Oxford Policy Management’s Statistics, Evidence and Accountability programme. He has more than 20 years’ experience in leading work in the monitoring and evaluation of development for both donor-financed programmes and government systems, particularly in the social sectors.
Further reading:
Kneale D, Thomas J, Bangpan M, Waddington H, Gough D, 2018 Causal Chain Analysis in Systematic Reviews of International Development Interventions CEDIL Inception Paper
4: London
White, H. (2021) ‘Using causal chain analysis in systematic reviews’, CEDIL Methods Brief 4, London and Oxford: CEDIL. Available at:
Ruane-McAteer et al. (2019). Interventions addressing men, masculinities and gender equality in sexual and reproductive health and rights: an evidence-and-gap map and systematic review of reviews. BMJ Global Health, 4(5),e001634
Ruane-McAteer et al. (2020). Gender-transformative programming with men and boys to improve SRHR: a systematic review of intervention studies. BMJ Global Health 2020, 5(10), e002997
Aventin, Á., Robinson, M., Hanratty, J., Ruane‐McAteer, E., Tomlinson, M., Clarke, M., . . . Lohan, M. (2021). PROTOCOL: Involving men and boys in family planning: A systematic review of the effective components and characteristics of complex interventions in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 17(1). 10.1002/cl2.1140
Robinson, M., Aventin, A., Hanratty, J., Ruane-McAteer, E., Tomlinson, M., Clarke, M., . . . Lohan, M. (2021). Nothing so practical as theory: a rapid review of the use of behaviour change theory in family planning interventions involving men and boys. Reprod Health, 18(1), 126. doi: