Development impact evaluations in Pakistan: A country evaluation map

CEDIL Syntheses Working Paper 2

Tim Crincoli, Ella Beveridge, Taylor Griffith, and Howard White

This map presents the impact evaluations contained in the 3ie Evidence Hub for Pakistan in a framework with interventions adapted from the Pakistan 2025 strategy and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as outcomes.

The most well-represented area is human capital interventions and outcomes, most notably health, but also including many studies for education (including cash transfers). Other well-represented areas are gender and, to a lesser extent, microfinance. All these are areas in which a country-level synthesis may be of interest.

Beyond this, the map mostly shows gaps—areas where there are no impact evaluations despite there being many interventions in these areas that are amenable to rigorous impact evaluation, such as rural roads and water management.

Suggested citation: Crincoli, T., Beveridge, E., Griffith, T., and White, H. (2022) Development impact evaluations in Pakistan: A country evaluation map, CEDIL Syntheses Working Paper 2, CEDIL, Oxford. Available at:

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Pakistan evaluation map

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