CEDIL Inception Paper 12
Authors: White H, Saran A, Kuper H
This report summarises findings from an evidence and gap map (EGM) commissioned by the Department for International Development (DFID) and undertaken by the Campbell Collaboration (Campbell) and the International Centre for Evidence and Disability (ICED). An EGM is a table which offers a visual presentation of the available evidence for a particular sector. The map provides an overview of what studies are available, but it does not summarise the findings. In the disability map the rows are intervention categories and the columns are indicator (outcome) domains. The framework for the EGM – interventions and outcomes – are based on the components of WHO’s Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) matrix (Figure 1) (WHO, 2010). Both interventions and outcomes use the same set of headings, that is: health, education, livelihood, social and empowerment.