Using big data for impact evaluations
The amount of big data available has exploded with recent innovations in satellites, sensors, mobile devices, call detail records, social media applications, and digital business records. Big data offers great potential for examining whether programmes and policies work, particularly in contexts where traditional methods of data collection are challenging. During pandemics, conflicts, and humanitarian emergency situations, data collection can be challenging or even impossible.
This CEDIL Methods Brief takes a step-by-step, practical approach to guide researchers designing impact evaluations based on big data. This brief is based on the CEDIL Methods Working Paper on ‘Using big data for evaluating development outcomes: a systematic map’.
Suggested Citation: Rathinam, F., Thissen, P. and Gaarder, M. 2021. ‘Using big data for impact evaluation’, CEDIL Methods Working Brief 2. Oxford: Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL). Available at:
Download CEDIL Methods Brief 2
Check the blog Big data in the time of a pandemic by Zeba Siddiqui and Francis Rathinam.