CEDIL Research Project Paper 1
Florencia Guerzovich, Tom Aston, Brian Levy, Paula Chies Schommer, Rebecca Haines, Sue Cant, Grazielli Faria Zimmer Santos
In the last two decades, the uptake of social accountability interventions has grown exponentially. While evidence of social accountability’s contribution to health outcomes is mixed, there is significant scale up of these interventions in the sector. This apparent contradiction is the point of departure for the development of middle-level theory on potential pathways to scale up in the health sector. This CEDIL Research project paper, ‘How do we shape and navigate pathways to social accountability scale? Introducing a middle-level Theory of Change’, argues that practitioners can pursue at least three pathways to scale: the replication of best practice, through leveraging the countervailing power of resistance, and seeking resonance with existing public sector efforts. Suggested citation: Guerzovich, F., Aston, T., Levy, B., Chies Schommer, P., Haines, R., Cant, S., Faria Zimmer Santos, G. (2022) ‘How do we shape and navigate pathways to social accountability scale? Introducing a middle-level Theory of Change’, CEDIL Research Project Paper 1. Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL), London and Oxford. Available from: https://doi.org/10.51744/CRPP1