Chris Bonell
Chris’ research on adolescent health focuses on how schools and school based interventions as well as youth services can benefit or harm young people’s health. His research on sexual health examines the broader social determinants of adolescent sexual health behaviours and outcomes, and interventions to address these. Chris is also interested in the normal distribution of sexual risks and consequent need for universal interventions.
Almost all of Chris’ research is concerned with how social exclusion in the form of poverty or other forms of disadvantage is associated with health risks. As well as the above, his research has examined for example how HIV risk in low income settings is associated with poverty and educational disadvantage, as well as how educational disengagement and subsequent adolescent health risks are inadvertent consequences of current UK educational policies. His research has also critiqued some formulations of social exclusion. Recent work on ‘dark logic models’ to hypothesise and measure intervention harms was awarded the President’s Prize by the European Society for Prevention Research.