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Impact evaluation: causal maps, mechanisms and the elusive quest for useful middle range theory

23 February 2022 - This webinar explores how causal mapping can aid analysis of evaluation data; highlights the important distinction in impact evaluation between multi-case cognitive causal mapping and single case causal inference; illustrates how far causal mapping and mechanism identification in impact evaluation can aid useful middle range theory building; and explains why it is not possible to produce useful middle range theory from empirical evidence alone.
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Language of Instruction Transitioning in Low-and- Middle Income Countries: An Evidence Synthesis

15 December 2021 - In this webinar we will discuss: 1) how can we apply midrange theory to understand the impacts of language of instruction transition choices on student learning outcomes; 2) what the impacts are of mother tongue education on learning outcomes in the mother tongue as well as in a national or later acquired language across contexts; and 3) what are the key ingredients of a successful language of instruction transition program across contexts?
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A review of theories of change for youth employment using a MLT approach

26 October 2021 - How can evidence from a study in one setting be transferred to another? How do we understand what are the ‘ active ingredients’ of a programme which make it work.  These issues are addressed by using mid-level theory. That is, a theoretical approach which rises above the level of projects but below a level of abstraction which is too general to be testable or yield operational principles. MLT focuses on causal processes and other assumptions for the theory of change. This webinar will out the CEDIL approach to MLT illustrated with an example from youth employment.
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Amplifying the voices of the Global South

22 September, 2021 - A conversation about what decolonisation means across disciplines, sectors and geographies; the incentives between research development and evidence use and how to promote change in a way that is incremental (and therefore sustainable); and capacity building versus capacity sharing.
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Measurement in Evaluation

2 June 2021 - This webinar will discuss some conceptual issues linked to the construction and validation of appropriate measures that are useful for evaluation. In particular, the panel will discuss issues around what to measure, how to measure, how to use existing measures, and how to construct new measures with specific examples concerning the measurement of child development in the early years.
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How to evaluate impact in intensely interdisciplinary research

How to evaluate impact in intensely interdisciplinary research Date: 24 May 2021 Description: *Please note, the line up for the webinar has changed Interdisciplinary research is an invaluable tool with the unique potential to address “wicked problems”. Engaging in this type of research and in evaluating its impact requires creative thinking and innovative solution finding. 
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Evaluating complex interventions in international development

Evaluating complex interventions in international development Date: 21 April 2021 Everyone knows that international development is complex and yet the evaluation methods used by researchers tend to ignore this complexity. Edoardo Masset will present the results of a CEDIL review of methods for evaluating complex interventions. The methods reviewed will include: adaptive trials, factorial designs,
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